Episode 14: Charlie Taverna, Jim Kowalski, and Sheriff Hardwick

Charles Taverna talks about the gift tax and how it works and the best way to inherit property or retirement accounts. If you would like to know more about Charlie or contact him, you can reach him via email, charlestaverna@gmail.com.

Jim Kowalski speaks about elder scams in Florida and how to qualify for civil legal aid. He touches on various stories about elders being scammed and how important it is put a plan in place 5 years out or 10 years out to avoid crisis planning. If you’d like to reach out to Jax Legal Aid, please go to www.jaxlegalaid.org.

We've got Sheriff Hardwick speaking about elder safety in St. Johns County. And how they are able to track down a loved one if necessary using the scent kits they provide for free. If you’d like to know more about safety for seniors and the resources the St. Johns County Sheriffs office offers, go to www.sjso.org


Episode 15: Sherrie Barch, Donna Lee, & Jax Hope


Episode 13 Vicky Oakes, Travis Dauchy, and Jim Kowalski